
Archive for the ‘starting over’ Category



There’s a little bit of refocusing going on behind the scenes of our site. My three writing books will be available soon, the first which being our free gift to anyone subscribing to my podcast, Writer on the Road, where Cracker will be one of my first and ongoing (if he let’s me win) guests!!

This site will once again be about middle grade fiction as Cracker and I share our writing trials, tribulations and downright fun bits of collaborative writing and reliving our sibling squables, getting the better of each other, and me always winning writing journey.

You’ll all be excited to know Cracker and I have agreed to get cracking (sorry, couldn’t resist) on Book 4 of our Cracker & Gilly Mystery Series and it will be quickly followed by books 5, 6 & 7. Our aim is a baker’s dozen and Book 1, Forbidden, will be our gift for anyone signing up to our Growing Up Writing newsletter.

On the marketing front, I’ve been busy upskilling. My education has included the following courses:

  1.  Creative Freedom with Joanna Penn
  2. Your First 10,000 Customers with Nick Stephenson
  3. Facebook Advertising (new) with Mark Dawson
  4. ebook bestsellers audio course with Derek Doepker

So, to sum up, I can write, produce, market, sell foreign rights, record audio and write some more. Or I will be able to once my kids leave home😇😇

Wadaya reckon, Cracker, you ready?

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Just received this email from Amazon’s automated preference service. Alas, no The Miner’s Wife. 


A bit sad really, if it wasn’t kind of funny…can’t wait to see what happens to my ‘Around Australia in 8 Romances’, except I’ve wised up and they will be published under Mel Hammond.

Around Australia in 8 Romance Novels pic

And to make matters worse, my co-author is equally as infamous, sort of…ever heard of a bloke who carried a fridge around Ireland??

From here on in just call us Lindy and Dick😇





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Adding to yesterday’s post, I found this article by Scott Atkinson in my Writer’s Digest Writer’s Yearbook, 2015…


It seems that this is the time of year writers take stock (if the blog posts hitting my inbox are anything to go by) – what worked in 2014, what didn’t, and how to change one’s writing habits to increase the chances of success in 2015.

Leo Babauta over at http://www.zenhabits.net suggests ‘5 Ideas to Create an Amazing 2015’ which is worth a look, and his twelve month Sea Change course is a challenge I just can’t refuse. For $10 a month I get to complete the following Sea Change modules:

1. Meditation

2. Healthy Eating

3. Decluttering

4. Exercise

5. Unprocrastination

6. Learning/studying

7. Debt reduction

8. Quitting a bad habit

9. A good start

10. Gratitude

11. Creating

12. Letting go

Somehow, methinks the Art of Failing Well and my monthly $10 expenditure may have some cosmic link…but at least I don’t have to hand over my beautiful new ‘Ring For Chocolate’ Christmas present till August😇


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Sometimes, in order to step into the future we need to let go of the past….



But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have to hurt…


Sometimes, as writers, we make choices, and sometimes those choices aren’t easy…but in order to be in touch with our souls we have to let go of our  practical selves.

And run with our intuition…








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